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  • 今天是2024年4月20日 星期六 这里是上海国际养老辅具及康复医疗展览会预告,由系统自动更新仅供参考。展之星提醒您:因办展存在不可控性导致展会延期无法及时获取更新,参观参展前请务必联系客服/主办方核实确认。展之星祝您参展愉快!



    主办单位: 上海市民政局 上海市老龄工作委员会办公室 上海市国际贸易促进委员会

    举办周期:一年一届 展览面积:25000平方 展商数量:500家 观众数量:35000人
    中国国际养老、辅具及康复医疗博览会简称CHINA AID,自2000年在上海成功举办首届以来,经过16年的耕耘,已然成为国内首屈一指的福祉产业品牌博览会,位居世界同类展会前列。       


    CHINA AID 预计将邀请来自超20个国家和地区企业参与,超300家展商,超36000名专业观众;将围绕养老、康复医疗、辅助器具三大主题开设六大展示区,即养老服务、康复医疗、辅助器具、生活护理、宜居建筑、健康养生。博览会同期将继续举办2017中国国际老龄产业论坛、中国智能养老峰会、中国养老机构发展高峰论坛、第四届老年康复护理高峰论坛、第六届中国福祉设计大赛等多个行业论坛及活动,经验分享,信息发布,纵横捭阖,共同推动行业发展。

    养老服务: 养老机构及管理咨询公司、家政服务、社区日间照料服务、养老信息化服务,养老金融服务、老年助餐、助浴服务、养老服务业人才培训、老年文娱产品及服务、老年教育、老年心理咨询

    生活护理: 护理用床及褥疮防治产品、失禁护理、卫生清洁产品及技术、进食、衣着、洗漱等特殊生活用品、家用检测、急救、意外预防产品及技术

    辅助器具: 行动障碍辅具、无障碍设施、假肢及矫形器、视力障碍辅具、听力障碍辅具、言语障碍辅具、智力障碍辅具、精神障碍辅具、辅助器具适配

    康复医疗: 神经康复设备及技术、骨创及运动医学康复设备及技术、儿童康复设备及技术、脊髓损伤康复设备及技术、中医康复设备及技术、功能评定设备、水疗工程设备、康复医疗机构

    宜居建筑: 养老住宅及社区、适老建筑设计机构、智能家居产品及技术、适老家具及设施

    健康管理: 可穿戴式健康设备、按摩器材、健身器材、理疗产品及技术、抗衰老产品及技术、健康食品及营养保健品、健身机构、保健养生机构、健康检测机构

    Organizer: Shanghai Municipal Bureau of Public Affairs, Shanghai Committee on Aging Office Shanghai International Trade Promotion Committee

    Period: Annual Exhibition Area: 25,000 square exhibitors Number: 500 Audiences: 35,000 people

    China International Medical Expo for Old Age, Accessories and Rehabilitation, referred to as CHINA AID, since 2000 in Shanghai successfully held the first, after 16 years of hard work, has become the country's premier welfare industry brand Expo, ranking in the forefront of similar exhibitions in the world.       

    The exhibition covers an area of 25,000 square meters and is attended by 301 enterprises, institutions and social organizations from 18 countries and regions. A total of 35,174 professional visitors from 30 countries and regions attended the exhibition. Among them, 34,580 people from 31 provinces, autonomous regions, 230 cities, including 19 provinces and cities of the civil affairs system buyers group, 21 provinces and cities of the residual system buyers group, the number of visitors and the degree of specialization of a new high. More than a thousand exhibits a station to meet the procurement and business docking needs from all kinds of professional buyers, for the industry to share the latest product advice, understand the development of the industry is an excellent platform. 

    CHINA AID is expected to invite enterprises from more than 20 countries and regions to participate, more than 300 exhibitors, more than 36,000 professional audience, will be around the elderly, rehabilitation medical care, assistive devices three major themes to open six exhibition areas, namely, old-age services, rehabilitation medical care, assistive devices, life care, livable buildings, health and wellness. During the same period, the Expo will continue to hold the 2017 China International Aging Industry Forum, China Smart Pension Summit, China Pension Institutions Development Summit Forum, the 4th Seniors Rehabilitation Care Summit Forum, the 6th China Well-being Design Competition and other industry forums and activities, experience sharing, information release, cross-cutting, and jointly promote the development of the industry.

    The scope of the exhibits

    Old-age services: old-age institutions and management consulting firms, domestic service, community day care services, old-age information services, old-age financial services, elderly meals, bath services, old-age service personnel training, old-age entertainment products and services, old-age education, old-age psychological counseling

    Life care: nursing bed and hemorrhoid prevention products, incontinence care, sanitary cleaning products and technology, food, clothing, washing and other special daily necessities, home testing, first aid, accident prevention products and technology

    Assistive devices: accessories for movement disorders, barrier-free facilities, prosthetics and orthotics, visually impaired aids, hearing impairment aids, speech impairment aids, intellectually impaired aids, mentally impaired aids, assistive devices

    Rehabilitation medical treatment: neuro-rehabilitation equipment and technology, orthopaedic and sports medicine rehabilitation equipment and technology, child rehabilitation equipment and technology, spinal cord injury rehabilitation equipment and technology, Chinese medicine rehabilitation equipment and technology, functional assessment equipment, spa engineering equipment, rehabilitation medical institutions

    Livable buildings: aged homes and communities, suitable architectural design institutions, smart home products and technology, suitable furniture and facilities

    Health management: wearable health equipment, massage equipment, fitness equipment, physiotherapy products and technologies, anti-aging products and technologies, health food and nutrition products, fitness institutions, health care institutions, health testing institutions

    信息来源:会展号 EXPO号  会员:
    信息标签: 上海养老展   | 2022上海养老展
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